Futuresex lovesounds justin timberlake rar
Futuresex lovesounds justin timberlake rar

Is this entire prelude an apology for digging Justin Timberlake? Maybe. So who’s right? My egotism and experience lead me to one choice, but there really is no right or wrong. Mastodon isn’t selling millions of records, but Disturbed is. Every artist should be judged on a case-by-case basis, and honestly, that decision is entirely personal. For instance, using the above instance of metal, Mastodon is good, Disturbed is not. I’ve come to the conclusion over the past few years that there is no such thing as a bad genre, there’s just music that’s good and music that’s not.

futuresex lovesounds justin timberlake rar

It’s like judging all Americans on the actions of George W. What annoys me most in the world of music listeners is the phrase, “I listen to everything but (insert genre here, usually `popular country’ or `metal’).” Because of a few bad apples in a particular genre, usually the most visible ones, aspersions are cast on the entire bunch, which is downright unfair. I know that’s not the leadoff sentence you’d expect from a review of Justin Timberlake’s new album, but that goes to prove my point.

Futuresex lovesounds justin timberlake rar